Five on Friday

Happy Friday!!  This post was supposed to be my Thoughts for Thursday post yesterday, but I never managed to get it finished up and posted.  So here I am today for a little Five on Friday!


Ill start with little miss Madelyn.  We transitioned her into Brody’s bedroom towards the end of June and things started off SO well.  I was amazed at how easy it was.  But since then, we’ve had a few regressions.  I’m feeling like the main reason for the regression is really just all about Mommy time.  She has been so super clingy lately and wants me all the time.  When we lay down in bed at night…usually me in her bed and Matt in Brody’s bed, she just doesn’t want me to leave at night.  Then she has been walking into our room once or twice during the night trying to get herself in bed with me.  It’s so tough, but I’m just trying to set good habits before the new baby comes.  Hopefully we can get back on track soon!



On instagram this week, I asked followers if they had any great recommendations for getting the yellow staining off of baby clothes.  I was sorting through so many of Madelylns old baby clothes and they had a lot of spit up staining on them.  I thought I had remembered trying one method on the clothes before I packed them all away (that was soaking them in a tub of oxiclean), but obviously that did not get all the stains out.  So you guys came through with so many amazing suggestions and asked me to share them.  The top two responses for getting out stains were these:

1)Use a mix of 2 parts hydrogen peroxide, 1 part blue dawn, and some baking soda to help make it a paste.  Put it on stays for 1 hour and then wash.

2)Make a bath of warm water with a bunch of scoops (4-6) of Oxiclean powder and let it sit for 24 hours.

And the third biggest thing was using sunlight to dry the clothes after they have been washed because it helps bleach out the yellow stains also!!

So I tried #1 and had amazing results!!  I couldn’t believe it.  With a lot of the clothes, I did the process twice to get them back to perfect and then just had to use the dryer to dry them because we have had rain all week and no sunlight.  It still worked great.

*** This is important though:  The peroxide can act as a bleaching agent and I had one outfit that was light blue that I used it on and it seemed to bleach out the color and I’m pretty sure is going to be ruined.  So I am bummed about that, but every other outfit I did looked amazing.  They were all whites and light pinks and I didn’t have any problem at all!

*** I also had a reader tell me to be careful with the 24 hour oxiclean soak because they found that the oxiclean was somehow eating away at the snap buttons on things like Kissy Kissy gowns.   I don’t know this from personal experience, but something to be careful of if you try!


I’ve been really enjoying my Simplified Planner lately and trying to be so diligent about getting through my to-do lists as I get ready for baby 3.   All of the stickers are just too fun and make it look so happy. I use the daily edition and I love it.  I am anxious to get through the month of August as we wait on baby and get the kiddos back into the routine of school!


The Staircase on Netflix.  Who’s been watching??  I finally finished it and feel so conflicted.  What are yall’s thoughts? Do you have a strong feeling towards definitely guilty or not??  I’d love to hear your opinions because on one hand I thought he was totally guilty (duh), but then I was feeling maybe not………


If you are local, there is a fun event going on this weekend at the Margaritaville Hotel on Pensacola Beach.  Here are the details if you are interested.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend; but I know it will be lots of fun.

Join us on Saturday, August 4th at 2 p.m. for a live cooking demonstration with the brand’s concept chef, Carlo Sernaglia, and Margaritaville Pensacola Beach Hotel’s Chef Eric Troup, who will prepare dishes from the brand new, critically acclaimed Margaritaville Cookbook.

During this exciting demonstration, attendees will learn how to make Margaritaville faves at home, including the JWB Crab and Quinoa Cakes with Curry Kale Slaw. Following the cooking demonstration, Chef Carlo will sign copies of the cookbook and mingle with guests.

That’s it friends! I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.  We will just be soaking up the last few weekend as a family of four!!!


  1. Owen Davis wrote:

    We finished the Staircase and I’m leaning 90% towards guilty. The series was very biased and didn’t go through all the facts such as when it happened he claimed an owl flew into the house and knocked her down the stairs wtf? But they never mentioned that in the series! Definitely thought provoking. I love watching series like this!

    Posted 8.6.18
    • wrote:

      that’s very interesting! I never heard that about the Owl. I feel like he has to be guilty too, but the series definitely has you feeling for him a bit. We just finished Evil Genius last night and I really liked that one too!! Have you seen that one???

      Posted 8.7.18
  2. Ann wrote:

    I’m almost finished with The Staircase and I feel really torn between feeling like he seems to nice to be guilty and thinking that it just doesn’t make sense any other way. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Thanks for sharing!

    Posted 8.7.18

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