Five on Friday + Blog Sponsor

It’s Friday, so you know what that means…


We went yesterday to pick a few more pumpkins, this time for my Mom; so we dressed up in our Fall attire and hit the streets.  We also got to go visit one of my oldest friends and her brand new baby!! It was so sweet to see them and I cracked up because this petite little one month old made Madelyn look like a giant.  I realized my baby is no longer a baby anymore!!!

What are your kids dressing up as for Halloween? I already have Madelyn’s costume, but Brody changes his mind daily on what he wants to be.  I’m scared to buy anything.  His latest is that he wants to be Buzz Lightyear which I think is probably pretty safe.  I think he would be happy with this one in the end.  Has anyone seen any cute Buzz costumes around? Here’s one from amazon that’s okay and it also looks like Party City might have a good one.
So our county fair is in town now through Halloween.  My husband seems to be so excited for it, but I’ve never really been a fair girl.  I pretty much hate all rides that spin around and make me sick and I’m not that in to spooky things.  What are you thoughts on the fair??
Last night I had a fun little cocktail party for a new organization {krewe} that I’m joining.  It’s all girls and mostly deals with Mardi Gras festivities.  I wore this littel Mara Shirt Dress that I had from last year and my favorite Valentino wanna-bes.  I was really hoping that these babies would be back in stock, but they’re not! They are still sold out in the nude and the black. 

shoes (sold out) Sole Society | dress (old, similar) Mara Hoffman | watch | earrings | purse

I’m really excited to introduce a new blog sponsor today.  I haven’t done one of these and awhile and was flattered when Emily asked.  Her button has been on my sidebar for a little while, so hopefully you have already gone and checked her out; but if you haven’t were here today to let you get to know her a little better! She is so sweet and has the cutest little red headed boys that are always dressed to perfection!
Meet Emily from Three Boys and a Girl
I’m Emily,  I just turned 31 {why does that sound so old all of a sudden?} and I live in Eastern North Carolina..think small town living!
 I married my husband Patrick in January 2012. On November 5th, 2013 we welcomed our first son, Jack into our family. Almost 2 years to the day later on October 28th, 2015 we welcomed another precious son into our hearts, Graham. We also have a sweet chocolate lab who is 14 and I like to joke has 9 lives.
Up until I had Jack I taught elementary school. After he was born I decided to stay home full time. I have loved being a stay at home mama and thank my sweet husband regularly for the opportunity!
I enjoy being with family, traveling {when I can convince my hubs!}, barre class, cooking..mainly baking, shopping, watching any reality tv, especially bravo,  and sports. You can often find me hosting a get together with our friends most weekends. I love entertaining and now that the weather is getting cooler the porch has become one of my favorite spots!
Why I Blog
I started my blog shortly after Graham was born. I have been an avid blog reader for years and have always wanted to start one but never had the courage to do it. On a whim one day I decided that I was going to do it. I am terrible about keeping up a baby book so I thought if anything this would be a great way to document my sweet boys lives and what we have been up to. I assumed only my husband and family would read it but have been pleasantly surprised at how many sweet readers I have gained and new friends I’ve met!
What I Blog About
I blog about my family, what is going on in my boys lives, lots of mom tips and lessons I’ve learned in the almost 3 short years I’ve been a mama. I love adding in recipes, decorating tips {holidays are my favorite}, and fashion ideas, especially cute and functional outfits for busy moms!
I hope you will stop by my blog and say hi! I love meeting new readers and connecting with other bloggers! You can find me on Instagram @threeboysandagirl and also on Facebook .
Thanks Emily, I loved having you! 
Linking up with AprilChristina, and Natasha for Five on Friday
Amanda for Friday Favorites 
Farmer Bell for Oh Hey Friday
Momfessionals for Friday Favorites
High Five for Friday {H54F} hosted by Bright on a BudgetCup of TeaCoffee with Caitlinand Della Devoted
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  1. Chelsea wrote:

    I am the same way about fairs. Our fair is so small so not sure we will ever take the little ones lol 🙂 Happy Friday

    Posted 10.21.16
  2. Sarah Shaneyfelt wrote:

    I'm not really into fairs either, and thankfully, my husband is the same way! I just think about how fast they put those rides up and how unsafe they are. Love that you featured Emily today!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    Posted 10.21.16
  3. Emily: Three boys and a girl blog wrote:

    Our state fair is in town this week and I had wanted to go so badly (my husband and I went on our first date to the fair!) but it's been in the 90s and that just seems miserable to me! My boys are going to be a Fireman and a dalmatian for halloween. I love that I can still pick their costumes, I'm afraid Jack will have an opinion so very soon! Thanks for the feature!! So glad to have connected with you Annie!

    Posted 10.21.16
  4. Lisa @ Pork Chop and Possum wrote:

    Yay for Friday! I love going to fairs but the rides make me cringe! I feel so bad when my oldest son wants to go on a ride and I'm trying to convince him to play a game instead-ahhh! Have a great weekend!

    Posted 10.21.16
  5. I just adore Emily. She is amazing and gives me all the shopping idea. So glad she is being featured here!!! I can't wait to dress my littles up for Halloween. I can't wait to see Brody as Buzz. So adorable!

    Posted 10.21.16
  6. Jillian Manesh wrote:

    i like the food at fairs but thats about it 🙂 xo jillian – cornflake dreams

    Posted 10.21.16
  7. Queen In Between wrote:

    I love fairs but I grew up going every year. If you don't love the rides…there is still lots and lots of fun food and typically a beer garden. 🙂 Lots of animals which the kids would love too.

    Posted 10.21.16
  8. Hanging with the Hirsts wrote:

    Brody as Buzz will be so cute! Can't wait to see what Madelyn is!! I'm not a fair person – I've actually never been to a fair but I think that's because most of them near me are super sketch in my opinion. Fairs and circus' are not my thing…lol Have a great weekend!

    Posted 10.21.16
  9. Kait wrote:

    Hawaii's state fair is so different from any other place I've lived (it's in the summer, for starters) and has all sorts of live animals for a petting zoo, lots of local farms come and set up fruit & veggie stands..It's kind of fun! I don't know how crafty you want to get, but I've seen some super cute Buzz Lightyear costumes on Pinterest that are homemade! I know — sometimes it sounds a heck of a lot better in writing than in practice 😉 Have a great weekend!

    Posted 10.21.16
  10. I live in Philadephia and we don't have fairs here! I'm seeing so many people blog about county/state fairs and I kind of wish we had one because the fried food looks amazing! 🙂

    Posted 10.22.16
  11. Awww Madelyn is still a little nugget! Greyson wanted to be Buzz two years ago so I bought the costume and then he refused to wear it! I got it at Toys R Us online and it was pretty good! I still have it if you want me to send it to you!

    Posted 10.22.16

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