Meet Chelsea of The Perfect Catch {Blogger Interview}

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m on vacation and running a little “mini-series” this week while I’m gone of blogger interviews.  I had so much fun putting these together and was so happy to learn a little more about each of these ladies.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

Today, I’m happy to introduce Chelsea from The Perfect Catch.  I came across Chelsea’s blog close to a year ago and discovered we had baby boys just a month apart.  Chelsea lives in Texas with her son and husband, works full-time, guest blogs for the Houston Moms Blog, and manages to always go all out for every holiday.  I have loved following along and happy she took the time to answer a few questions.  

Hello!  I’m so excited to be guest blogging for Annie today.  Home of Malones is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs especially since our boys are so close in age.  I love seeing Annie’s gorgeous new home and her product reviews and wish lists always get me in trouble! You can find me over at The Perfect Catch where I write about all of my crazy antics in being a wife and new mom.  Currently I’m in over my head planning Jack’s 1st birthday fiesta! 
What is your occupation and location?
I work in health care doing marketing and business development.  I wear a lot of hats in the company that I work for doing everything from managing a team of marketers to running a call center.  I live in Sugar Land – a suburb of Houston, Texas ya’ll!
What made you decide to start blogging?
I started blogging when I was a graduate student (and working full-time in higher education) in an MBA program.  It made for super long days – I worked from 8am-5pm and then attended classes from 6-10pm.  In order to give my mind a break from accounting and economics, and let’s be honest – to pass the time in a boring 4 hour class, Ashley and I would read blogs and eventually start our own.  The students sitting behind us would roll their eyes when they saw we were reading wedding blogs rather than taking accounting notes! 
Ashley’s blog is Newlyweds and Nesting and is still active!  The blog I started was called Life’s a Beach and was a blog about my dog and I!  Once I got engaged, I switched to my current blog The Perfect Catch which was named from our engagement story and was created as a way to chronicle our wedding planning process. 
Do you remember the first blog you read?
I don’t remember the exact first blog I read, but one of my early favorites was (and still is) Blue Eyed Bride.  The vast majority of blogs I read at that time were wedding blogs. 
What do you love to blog about most?
Today my interests have grown from planning a wedding to being a mom.  I know – so cliche! I love to blog about my son Jack to keep all of our family and friends who don’t live close a glimpse into his life.  It’s also an amazing way to chronicle his life and milestones.  I love to go back and read old posts.  It’s basically a virtual baby book. 
I also love to write product reviews.  Reading other blogs is how I now discover most products I buy these days!
Where is your favorite place to vacation?
To me, vacation = tropical.  I want to lay on a beach or by a pool with a drink in my hand, reading and soaking in some sun.  Some favorite spots include Mexico, Costa Rica and Belize
Three favorite stores to shop for clothes?
Hmmm…this is a hard one!  It totally depends on what I am shopping for.  Probably my favorite go-to place is Loft.  I can find both work and and casual clothes there and I love their curvy fit jeans.  If I want something a little more special or I have lots of time to browse, then Anthropologie is my place!  I never buy bottoms there – just tops, tunics, dresses and accessories.  Another favorite for work clothes (which is the vast majority of my wardrobe) is Talbots.  I find that their ponte knit dresses are super flattering on my post baby body. 
Three things you can’t live without?
Besides the obvious things like my family and friends, the three (material) things I can’t live without: –  Concealer: even on no makeup days this is a must
–  Hair Spray: my favorite is Bumble and Bumble Spray de Mode
–  Tinted Chapstick: I always needs some type of color on my lips so I don’t look dead.  Whether it’s lipstick, chapstick or gloss.  Fresh Sugar Lip Treatments are great because they give you moisture with a pop of color – Rose is my favorite shade. 
And yes, I just realized that all of these things I can’t live without are beauty related.  Call me vain. 
Favorite room in your home.
Probably my kitchen (and reason why I can’t seem to drop my baby weight – ha).  We tend to spend lots of our time there.  Jack loves to scoot around the island while I’m cooking.  We even opted to put a TV in the kitchen rather than our living room since we always here.  If I’m stressed, cleaning the kitchen makes me feel better.  It’s also where people tend to congregate when we are hosting something. 
Three favorite stores to shop for home decor?
Home Goods, Target, Z Gallerie.  Honorable Mention is Anthropologie!
What does a typical day look like for you?
On a weekday I wake up when Jack does, nurse him and get him happy and entertained with toys while I get ready for work.  As soon as our nanny arrives I leave for work which is only a 15 minute commute and breakfast is usually eaten on the run.  I am at work until around 4:30 and miss the little guy, but receive lots of text message updates and pictures from the nanny.  Once I’m home I have a few hours before my husband gets home so I use this time to play with Jack, go for walks, make dinner, and pickup the house.  I’ve been trying to fit a workout in during this time lately, but that all depends on Jack’s mood. 
My husband is home around 7pm and it’s a whirlwind until Jack goes to sleep – dinner, bath, and bedtime routine – all to be done by 8 at the latest.  This may seem late to put Jack down, but if Jason wants to see him at all we have to do this since Jack is still asleep when Jason leaves in the morning.
I use the rest of the evening to do chores around the house, get everything ready for the next day, blog, return emails and hopefully watch a show or two with Jason.  Phew – I’m tired just typing that.  No wonder we so look forward to our more leisurely weekends.   
Thanks for reading!  Catch me over at The Perfect Catch or on Instagram.


  1. Tess wrote:

    Loved reading a little more about Chelsea!! What a cute little family!

    Posted 5.5.14
  2. Chelsea wrote:

    Thanks for having me Annie! Can't wait to hear all about your vacation! Hope you are having a fabulous time.

    Posted 5.8.14

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