Scenes from our Weekend + Coffee Talk

It’s been a dreary few weeks here in Pensacola (ever since the week of Christmas) with temperatures still pretty warm, but lots of cloudy weather and a little bit of rain.  It’s mood-changing.  It makes for very lazy and un-motivated days.  And it’s started to wear on me.  As much as I enjoyed the holidays and lots of fun times with family, I am READY for today.  I’m ready for our weekly routine.  I’m ready for a clean house.  I’m ready for Brody to be back in his MDO program.  I’m ready for a hair cut.  I’m ready to check off some lines on my to-do list.  It’s rare when a Monday rolls around and I feel really ready for it, but this one I do.

Have I mentioned that I’m SO tired of football???  Any other ladies with me on this one?  I can not wait for it to be over. I’m so tired of it being on our TV all the time.  The only thing I like about it is an excuse to have a party at our house now and then for a game….like we did for New Years Day.  That was fun.  Otherwise, I’m over it.

Anyway, our weekend was uneventful.  We took down the rest of our Christmas decor which feels great, but our house is still a wreck.  I can’t wait for it to be cleaned and put back together.  I got the urge to do some cooking with the turn of a new year and made Natalie’s Coconut Carrot and Zucchini  muffins.  They are really really good.  I love them as a little snack heated up with some butta.  Delish.

We took Brody out to a late lunch and walked around downtown.  Dining with him isn’t all that fun, but he loves to run around and explore.  
I hope I don’t jinx myself, but on January 2nd, Brody started drinking milk out of a sippy cup.  Hallelujah!! I’m not sure why this day finally came, but it did!  We are now 3 days with no bottle and I couldn’t be happier.  I’m so sick of cleaning bottles, making bottles, and see him walk around with a bottle hanging out of his mouth.  I pray they are gone for good!  If there are any other Mama’s out there with this same problem, the only advice I have for you is to just KEEP trying.  That’s all I knew to do.  I think each baby does these things on their own time…

I was able to sneak away twice this weekend to go enjoy our new Pure Barre.  They had a soft opening the week after Christmas and their grand opening party on New Years Eve.  I am so excited to have one here and so close that I can walk to it.  The workouts are intense and so fun.  I hope to go multiple times a week.  That reminds me of one of my goals for the new year…I plan on sharing those goals with you ladies this week.  I actually wrote them down in hopes to work towards each one this year!

Sunday evening we decided to treat ourselves to a gourmet meal at home.  We picked up the biggest steaks we could find and I whipped up two new easy recipes from Ina’s cookbooks.  They were so tasty and took no time at all.  They will be a new staple in the Malone household.  I’ll share them with you tomorrow!

Happy Monday friends and good luck getting back on track to our normal routines! For me, that includes blogging too.  I look forward to catching up with all of you again 🙂

And Linking up with Biana and Meghan for Weekending
Mingle Monday with Meg

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  1. Jenn wrote:

    I'm very much with you on the football front. Altho it did create an impromptu get together with a bunch of our friends (and no one really ended up watching it since so many people came out), but I'm ready for it to be nonexistent for a while!
    Your weekend looked like it was fun even if it was "uneventful"–sometimes those are the most welcome especially after the craziness of the holidays! Looks like yours was perfect! 🙂

    Posted 1.5.15
  2. Yay it sounds like Brody is moving along with the sippies! Both of my kids held on to their bottles til as close to two as possible so I feel your pain. I also totally agree with you about getting back to normal, as much as I love having everyone home, a little routine is pure magic. Happy Monday lovely lady 🙂

    Posted 1.5.15
  3. Jillian wrote:

    the rain makes me really lazy too — i dont think i could ever live in the pacific northwest! and YES im over football…and h has only watched the playoff games this season. it's so boring to me tho. ah welll. those muffins look so good! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

    Posted 1.5.15
  4. It had been a gloomy several days here too & finally on Saturday the sun came back out!! Praise Jesus!! I too was ready to get back to our routine today! This is one Monday I'm not hating seeing… Although I was a little hesitant yesterday still! Lol!

    Posted 1.5.15
  5. We have a Pure Barre here as well and I have yet to get myself there partly due to my own fault and also the cost. I would love to hear your feedback if you see results or just feel any difference from the classes! Hope you all have a great week, looking forward to the recipes!

    Posted 1.5.15
  6. You are not alone in being sick of football! It seems to always be on at my house. Either that or basketball. Ugh. Yay for (hopefully) ditching the bottles! I'm about to enter that life here soon and I thought keeping up with the dishes was a pain. 🙂 Happy Monday girl!

    Posted 1.5.15
  7. I'm 100% with you – ready for the routine to be back!! So glad that the Pure Barre opened and can't wait to hear your thoughts!!! Hope you have a great start to your week!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

    Posted 1.5.15
  8. Our weather has been super dreary too!! I hated it for Neland because it was his time out of school and we missed out on a lot of fun outside things. I need to try those muffins – they sound delish! And yay for the sippy (although they aren't that much more fun to clean – I switched my kids to the take and toss ones pretty fast so I would have easier washing – although they do leak so that wasn't as much fun).

    Posted 1.5.15
  9. I'm happy to be back in a routine too!! Also totally with you about football-I do not understand how my husband can watch 3 games in a row, and then watch more highlights!
    -Kristen (new reader!)

    Posted 1.5.15
  10. Natalie H wrote:

    Yay Brody!! I'm so glad he finally took a sippy cup for you I know how hard you've been trying for that one! I'm about to limit Miller's pacifier to only nap and bedtime- starting tomorrow. I'm so nervous but I want to try to break him before 2- how's Brody been doing with his? I'm so happy to be back in our routine too.

    Posted 1.5.15
  11. That is too cool that the PB studio is within walking distance, I would be in heaven! I've been doing it for a month and I LOVE it so much, intense but in a great way. Hope you have a good week!

    Posted 1.5.15
  12. Amber L wrote:

    Mmmm! Those muffins look so yummy! I'll be making some soon. Yay, For no more bottles! I know that's a huge step for your little man. 🙂 I really hope to start going to some exercise classes. They seem like a great way to keep your workouts interesting!

    Posted 1.5.15
  13. Becky M wrote:

    I am SO sick of football too!! I'm more of a baseball person, and can't wait for that to come back. We took down all our Christmas stuff too, which is a bit depressing. But my house looks a lot cleaner now. You should check out my post today, your name just might pop up in it 🙂

    Posted 1.5.15
  14. Sarah wrote:

    Oh I hear you! I was so ready for today too. Holidays are great, seeing family is great, but I've been out of my routine so long that I was simply craving it! (No matter how badly I wish for an extra day in the weekend almost every other week).

    Sweet Spontaneity

    Posted 1.5.15
  15. Meredith wrote:

    I'm with you on getting back to a routine. We have had the same weather here, and the kids have been out of school for 2 weeks. I was sad to see them go back, but also happy that we are getting back to our normal routine.

    Posted 1.5.15
  16. Shelby / Recent Somethings wrote:

    YUM to that last picture is all I can say! That, and I thought it was about to be baseball season seeing how football has been on for like 6 months haha.

    Posted 1.5.15
  17. Elise @ High Heels and Glittering Eyes wrote:

    I was definitely ready for this Monday! I always hate being out of my routine and was so excited to have a "fresh start" on an eating and workout plan! Can't wait for those recipes!

    Posted 1.6.15
  18. Oh I am sick of football as well. Counting down the days until the Super Bowl and I can watch a movie no matter the day of the week!

    Posted 1.8.15

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