Thoughts for Thursday

Today’s Thoughts for Thursday link-up marks our on year anniversary!  I can’t believe it’s already been a year.  I had to go back to my very first link-up post here just to see what I wrote about.  We had 14 of us at our first link-up and now we see about 70 of you on average each week.  Natalie and I can’t thank you enough for visiting each week (even when we are not always on time) and for sharing your thoughts with all of us!! It’s been so fun to meet new faces and hear your comments every Thursday.  We truly appreciate your participation and look forward to another great year! 

Onto some good random thoughts for you today…

+ I’ve been thinking about my blogging tendencies this week and I realize why my blogging frequency has really been lacking the last few months.  I used to blog in the mornings when Brody would go down for his nap around 930 or 10am.  If not then, I would blog in the evening after Matt and I had dinner and we would be hanging out in front of the TV before going up to bed.  Now, Brody doesn’t nap until the afternoon and I’m too exhausted or don’t have the brain power to blog (thank you pregnancy).   Our evenings have also changed since I’ve been pregnant and we no longer hang out in front of the TV after dinner and usually head up to bed earlier.  So now I don’t get my blog posts done at all!! I’m trying to change that…

+ Here’s the thing though…I’m back to trying to get them done at night and you know what I’ve discovered???  My brain is racing when I try to go to bed!  I realized how much better that I slept these last few months without writing blog posts right before bed.  Have you guys noticed this?  When do you write your blog posts?  The writing I guess gets my thoughts turning and then I have all these thoughts going non-stop through my head.

+ Along with the racing thoughts at night is my mile long to-do list.  Nesting has officially hit and I have about 90 projects I want to start and finish this summer.  My first (big) project is turning our office into more of a playroom.  It just needs to be functional.  This room had become a dumping ground for all our “extra $hit.”  The closet became a disaster and that was the first thing I tackled.  I took everything out, pitched, sorted, labeled and put it back in.  It may not look like a lot to you in this picture, but it’s made me feel 100x’s better!  More to come soon….
{Before then After}

+ Since I don’t do weekly pregnancy updates like last time, I thought I’d touch base a bit.  I’ve now hit 24 weeks and I’m feeling great.  After feeling like pure ass the first 18 weeks, these last 6 weeks have felt like heaven.  It really makes all the difference.  Now the feeling of being sick all the time feels like it was so long ago.  It’s amazing how your brain works!

+ One big thing that’s been different this pregnancy compared to last time is how much I’ve worried.   I guess that comes with being a mother, but I’m amazed at how naive I stayed during my first pregnancy.  I looked forward to every single doctors appointment and never really thought of any other option than having a healthy baby.  That might sound crazy because I know so many new mother’s that worry a ton, but it’s the truth.  It’s sort of my nature…laid back and not much of a worrier.  But then we had Brody and he had to spend four nights in the NICU.  That rocked our world.  Thankfully, it turned out to be minor in the end and I can only imagine the families that go through much more difficult circumstances.  But that little scare planted the possibilities in my head.   And now I know how lucky I am to have a healthy baby.  So for any of your worriers out there, I’m just letting you know you’re not alone and I think it’s totally normal…

+ Okay, on a far lighter note, I saw that Orange is the new Black is coming back for Season 3 and being released on Netflix on June 12th.   What are your thoughts?  I honestly never finished up season two.  I just lost interest somewhere along the line and I’m wondering if I should go finish it up and try this new season.  Are you girls still into this show??  I’m always desperate for TV during the summer.  What are you watching??

Now it’s your turn!

Grab the button below and link up to Annie and Natalie  on your Thoughts for Thursday post.  
Use #thoughtsforthursdays on Instagram and tag us @homeofmalones and @eastcoastnat.
Link up starts at 6am EST. 
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Thoughts for Thursday

Thoughts for Thursday

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  1. I love your before and after's so I can't wait to see how you organized everything!! I think with all you have going on – when you post is totally fine and it's all for fun right!!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

    Posted 6.4.15
  2. It is so tough to find the time to post sometimes with everything going on in our lives! I find it hard and I only have one babe! I can't imagine what it would be like pregnant or having another one! I have found that working on posts at night does not work for me either. My brain feels fried by then and I just need to relax! Posting in the mornings have worked best for me (with a little side of coffee). And sometimes I will post on my lunch break on the days that I work with no other distractions. It's tough! But, I love the little bit of 'me' time it provides!

    Posted 6.4.15
  3. I can't write posts at night either – I can't really think straight, I don't feel like being on the computer and they just end up being rushed/half a$$ed! I usually write them in the mornings, one day ahead (if I'm on top of things haha). But of course, that is with having zero children!! We'll be watching OITNB… I think it's okay but like you said, there isn't much else to watch during the summer!

    Posted 6.4.15
  4. Jessica wrote:

    Have you tried Bloodline on Netflix? The husband and I started watching it, and ended up really enjoying it. As for blog writing – well, I am still trying to find the right time for that. Nighttime seems to be the only time I can find some peace and quiet to actually write, but it does end up making me stay up later than I'd like/need to be staying up. Maybe early morning would work? Before the littles get up? If I could get myself to bed earlier, I think I could actually get up before the kids…But that's a big "if." Lol! It's hard to find time to do anything for yourself as a mother, isn't it?

    Posted 6.4.15
  5. oh I feel ya on the 90 projects going at one time!!! Nesting is certainly happening in our house and it looks like a bomb has exploded everywhere!!! I am totally jealous of your organized closet!!!

    Posted 6.4.15
  6. I'm struggling to find time to blog and I only have one little guy! Can't imagine being pregnant on top of it! Your closet looks great! I loved how much I got done during the nesting period! Feels so good. I feel the same way about OITNB. I stopped somewhere in the middle of season 2 as well, but there is nothing to watch during the summer! Let us know how it is if you start up again!

    Posted 6.4.15
  7. Tess wrote:

    I so wish I was less of a worrier. Even my routine appointments cause me so much anxiety! The doc emailed me last night that my blood pressure has been so elevated at all of my appts (hi anxiety!) so to test it at CVS without the nerves….literally like a 30 point difference. Whoops!

    Also, where did you get those hanging gift wrapping organizers? It is exactly what I've been searching for!

    Posted 6.4.15
  8. Yay! I'm excited for OITNB to come back! I really like it, and, like you, always try to find something to watch in the summer that isn't "America's Got Talent." Nesting hit me in full force and I swear I got so much done. 🙂

    Posted 6.4.15
  9. I definitely worried much more with my second pregnancy and I fully believe it is because I KNEW what was coming. There was something about going through a pregnancy and birth and never having experienced that made it less scary. Knowledge is what got into my head the most the second time. However, you are an amazing mom and that worry is love!!

    Posted 6.4.15
  10. Kristin O wrote:

    LOVE OITNB!!!! Can't wait for season 3!!

    Posted 6.4.15
  11. Jillian Manesh wrote:

    i hear ya on the blogging struggle!! i've been so busy with the move, the baby and work projects that i wish i had more time to blog. ah well — those other things are more of a priority right now. im super excited about the return of OITNB im glad its on during the summer. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

    Posted 6.4.15
  12. Wendy S wrote:

    Greetings from a fellow Gator! 🙂

    Yep, totally agree: if I blog at night, my brain just will not shut off! Unfortunately, that seems to be the time the words flow the best. I am still working on finding my "best" time. Regardless of the time of day I write, I struggle with getting my mind off of blogging and back onto what is going on around me, so late afternoon doesn't work well either — I spend dinner lost in my thoughts instead of in the conversation. 🙂

    And your closet looks great!

    Posted 6.4.15
  13. Julia wrote:

    My schedule has changed recently too and I am struggling to find the time and motivation to write posts! It really can be a lot of work! Glad you're feeling so much better these days!

    Posted 6.4.15
  14. Life on Meyers wrote:

    I totally understand where you are coming from regarding a blogging schedule! I work 10 hours a day in an office, so blogging during the day isn't always an option for me. I typically write in the evenings, even though it's not always easy because I'm exhausted! I am still new at this, so I am trying to figure out what will work best for me!

    Posted 6.4.15
  15. Katie @ The Macarthurs Lately wrote:

    Awesome job on the closet organizing! I wish the nesting phase would kick in for me before I get too huge! Haha! I just look around and get overwhelmed!

    Posted 6.4.15
  16. Kate at Green Fashionista wrote:

    I'm super excited for the new season of OITNB! I say definitely finish up the 2nd season, because they left us with a doozy of a cliffhanger 😉

    As for blogging at night, I enjoy blogging on the weekends when I have time to schedule several posts for the week so I'm not working on it daily. I've found that if I do it at night as well, I'm constantly thinking of things that may keep me up at night too. You'll find your niche girl!

    Posted 6.4.15
  17. Evelina wrote:

    i totally admire your closet rejuvenation! I need to tackle that in my guest room closet asap. Happy weekend!

    Posted 6.5.15
  18. Finish season 2 of Orange!! That's like been the one show Theo and I both love. We just finished Bloodline which is very different from Orange but so good too. Im the exact opposite of you as a first time mom! I worry about every little thing and expect the worst! But I will say my initiution takes over a lot and if I feel like everything is fine, knock on wood, it usually is. As for blogging I'm lucky to get 3 posts out a week. I know once the baby comes it's just going to get worse. But that's ok because real life is more important. Glad you're feeling better! The second trimester is oh so nice!
    Ally – Life as I know it

    Posted 6.7.15

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