Thoughts for Thursday | Life Lately

Hi friends! Sorry for the delay, I was having some technical difficulties last night and couldn’t get my post up! Here’s a few random thoughts on life lately.  
+ School is out and and were trying to get on a summer routine.  This has been our first week out and it’s been okay so far, but my dreams of being able to do fun things with two kids by myself have already come to a halt pretty much.  I don’t feel comfortable bringing both kids to the pool by myself right now and really not the beach either unless we are meeting others there.  But there are other fun things we can all enjoy.  What are you favorite summer activities to do with the kids??
+ I turned off notifications on my instagram and it’s kind of been life-changing.  I feel like I have spent about 10% of the time I used to Instagram.  I think it’s a mixture of life being a little crazier and busier and also just not seeing constant notifications that make me open the app! I still try to see “my people” on instagram because I do love keeping up; but I think it’s helped with some of the mindless wonderings.
+ The new season of Bloodline is out on Netflix. Who has started it?? I can’t wait to get into it! I was pretty addicted to the first season. 
+ We are headed to Rosemary Beach for vacation in just over a week and I can’t wait!! I’m looking forward to chilling with the kids on the beach and enjoying some family and friends time.  I’ve also been trying to make sure we have everything we need for the trip.  What is your favorite contraption to use for the beach if you go with your kids and need a lot of stuff??  I’m leaning towards this little wagon that we used at my Aunt and Uncles this past weekend.  I have also read good reviews about this cart too. 
+ I’ve also been having fun scouring the internet for some cute beach dresses and accessories for the trip.  The Nordstrom’s half-yearly sale is going on with lots of items 40% off and I took advantage of that this week! They have several different pairs of my favorite Karen Walker sunglasses 40% off too which is such a steal! 
Gotta run but hope you are all having an amazing week! 
Grab a button and link-up with Natalie and I for Thoughts for Thursday. 

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  1. Those sunnies are SO cute! I probably shouldn't peruse the sale, butttt I think I will 🙂 Enjoy vacay!

    Posted 6.2.16
  2. Natalie H wrote:

    Summer activities with two is going to be tough this summer for me too! Have you tried to Go Pod for Madelyn? Do you think she would stay in it? That was my lifesaver last summer with Matthew. Have so much fun in Rosemary! You all will love it. Oh and pick up that striped dress I posted today- it would be adorable on you 😉

    Posted 6.2.16
  3. What a bummer about the pool and beach. I always loved the sprinkler at home, and I know my mom said how much we loved the baby pool!

    Posted 6.2.16
  4. I am dying to start season 2 of Bloodline! Bryce has been out of town since last Friday morning, so I've been having to wait until he gets home!

    Posted 6.2.16
  5. Veronica-VeroSays! wrote:

    Ooh the wagon looks like it would be very useful for the trip! Hope you have fun! Xo

    Posted 6.2.16
  6. Toni :O) wrote:

    Go with the beach cart! We bought one and love it. Holds so much gear including chairs. A wagon is awkward with chairs. Have fun. We love it there as well.

    Posted 6.2.16
  7. Kelly wrote:

    I started Bloodline this past weekend — SOOOOO GOOD! I would've watched the whole thing start to finish but my husband wants us to watch it together (mehhhh) and he wasn't home a couple of nights. But it's amazing!!! Also we're going to Port St Joe in a couple weeks and got a beach wagon at Walmart (of all places) — excited to see how it holds up; seems pretty sturdy as of now!

    Posted 6.2.16
  8. Megan wrote:

    Bloodline has sucked us into seasons two already…. its SO good!! I don't have two kids yet, but I can imagine feeling the same way about the pool or beach. We tend to go to splash pads quite a bit which is easier with two to wrangle without worrying about the danger of going under water. Also, I made a little "garden" in the backyard for my son to have an area to dig and got him a shovel, rack etc from Target and he LOVES it. Hours of entertainment!

    Posted 6.2.16
  9. Queen In Between wrote:

    I know lots of people with that wagon used for baseball weekends and I've really been considering it myself. It's hard with two little ones around water. I remember when the last one learned to swim it was so freeing!

    Posted 6.2.16
  10. The first wagon is the BOMB! Highly recommend! Summer is really hard when both kids are little. I used to only go to the pool during Greyson's nap so he could snooze in the stroller while Avery swam (with floaties.) We do a lot of QT at home in the sprinkler and baby pool on other days. They really just want to get outside and get wet!

    Posted 6.4.16

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