Thoughts for Thursday | Toddler Talk

Welcome to another Thoughts for Thursday!  Grab a button at the bottom of this post and join along with Natalie and I as we share our {mostly} random thoughts each week! 
+ Thank you all for the encouragement yesterday for trying to continue to document the everyday wardrobe.  It’s not always easy to make ourselves look cute (especially when chasing babies) and melting in the 90+ degree heat and then add being 8 months pregnant on top of it all and I’m lucky I ever get any clothes on each day.  But, enough with the excuses.  It’s time to put a little effort in again.  Kate from the Small Things blog, actually wrote a similar post yesterday too.  She’s in a “momdrobe” rut and asked for everyone to share their outfits using the hashtag #smallthingsblogstyle.  So we can all try and get a little inspiration there too!!
+  I’m kind of stressing out over the last week or so as Brody has jumped the hurdle into complete toddler/big boy hood it seems.  I’ve done nothing in the potty training department with him besides leave a little toilet sitting in our powder room that’s been there for 6+ months.   I just wanted to let him get comfortable whenever he was ready and he could sit there when we were in the restroom if he wanted.  The other day he cracked me up as he dragged Matt into the restroom saying he had to poo poo and sat on the toilet trying to go.  He didn’t.  But I got a great video of it and it was fun seeing him get excited about the potty.  Even if I have no plans on starting potty training anytime soon 🙂
+ On the topic of big boy, we started putting his big boy bed together.  He’s been climbing out of the crib for a week now.   We still have him in the crib and I just threaten his little life to stay in there and use the microphone on the video monitor to tell him to “get down” when I see him throw a leg over.  It’s working well!  Honestly, I’m in no rush to switch him to the big boy bed if I don’t have to and mainly worried that it will affect his nap times more than night time sleep.  I’ll keep you posted, but thats where we stand now. 
+ Brody’s in his 2nd week of swim lessons and I’ve just been amazed watching him.  It’s not always easy, but I know it’s worth it.  I can’t wait for Matt and I to take him back to the pool this weekend and practice with him.  He stays so much more relaxed and comfortable in the pool with us than he does during the swim lessons.  
+ I’ve mentioned many times before on the blog that Brody is a very picky eater.  We have a very hard time trying to get him to eat his vegetables.  He’s had green smoothies of mine in the past, but would only have a few sips of it maybe and then move on.   Now, he asking me to make a smoothie for him every day when he wakes up from his nap (he drinks that whole cup full).  I love it!! I’m usually hungry too around 4 or so when he wakes up, so it’s the perfect little snack!
+ Oh Ally! You have opened me up to a whole other world of trouble.  Ally mentioned recently that she’s been shopping for vintage baby clothes online mostly through instagram.  Well what did I have to do, but search a few myself.  I found some cute things through searching #vintagekidsclothes or #vintagekidsresale.  I came across this store on Etsy.  I haven’t received my first purchase yet, but look at these cute clothes below and those PRICES!!! 
+ I have to say that one of the things I love about these vintage finds is that it makes me feel like I have a touch of the past.   My Mom had beautiful clothes for me and my two brothers when we were babies and she saved lots of them for us to have.  The saddest part of it all is that about 10 years ago during Hurricane Ivan, they were all washed away out of our garage.   It makes me absolutely sick to think about.  Being from New Orleans, she had some many classic, timeless heirloom pieces that I would kill to get my hands on.  But, I must move on because they are GONE 🙁

Now it’s your turn.

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Thoughts for Thursday

Thoughts for Thursday


  1. Oh no now I've got you on the vintage clothing obsession too! It's just so hard to say no the prices are too good! I ordered the baby a Feltman Brothers Christmas outfit for $23 including shipping yesterday, I just had to! haha Some of my favorite shops are Myfairvintage, finandotshop, and fawnvintage.
    Ally- Life as I know it

    Posted 7.23.15
  2. Aw I love the big boy bed sheets!! So cute! I'll have to keep the smoothie idea in mind if Rowan gets the "I don't like vegetables" gene from my husband! haha

    Posted 7.23.15
  3. The transition for Owen to a toddler bed totally affected our bedtime and nap routines for a while, because he could climb right out with no effort. We actually considered putting him back in the crib cause it was so hard, but we're finally back to a good routine. It just takes time! We put a gate up in his doorway and now I sit with him for 10+ minutes before saying goodnight / good nap, and he stays in his bed and falls asleep. Hope you can get him used to it by the time the baby arrives!

    Posted 7.23.15
  4. The crib to bed transition can be hit or miss depending on the kid. Avery didn't sleep with it and Greyson slept amazingly. Either way, he's such a cutie 🙂 I love that you're being baby girl vintage clothes! She is going to have the best little wardrobe!!

    Posted 7.23.15
  5. Veronica-VeroSays! wrote:

    Omogosh it's a struggle getting dressed and doing my hair when I just want to be in shorts and a tank top and have my hair in a bun! I've tried to add a little sparkle with my accessories, but that's it! Hah

    Posted 7.23.15
  6. Owen Ross Davis wrote:

    OMG Brody is adorable sitting on his little potty!! So so cute! And what a great way to "trick" him into eating all his veggies. I need to start making smoothies like this for myself! Happy Thursday pretty lady 🙂

    Posted 7.23.15
  7. Lr Jamison wrote:

    Brody looks like a little fish in the pool. He's going to nail it sooner than you think. Just like the potty training, don't fret. He's trying to make things easier for you b4 baby2 arrives. Love the fact he drinks the healthy smoothie. Great idea! ~Lowanda

    Posted 7.23.15
  8. Lr Jamison wrote:

    Brody looks like a little fish in the pool. He's going to nail it sooner than you think. Just like the potty training, don't fret. He's trying to make things easier for you b4 baby2 arrives. Love the fact he drinks the healthy smoothie. Great idea! ~Lowanda

    Posted 7.23.15
  9. Lizzy Hill wrote:

    What a cutie you have!! I love those vintage baby clothes too!

    Posted 7.23.15
  10. Foxy's Domestic Side wrote:

    Oh gosh, we waited till the last possible second with my son (we were having another baby and didn't want to buy another crib) my son was super sad when he transitioned to a big boy bed, but we tried to make it fun by buying him a race car bed. We're going to keep my daughter in that thing for as long as humanly possible!

    Posted 7.23.15
  11. Jessica wrote:

    Loving your vintage clothing finds. But how sad that your mama lost all of those belongings! A similar thing happened to my parents – their basement flooded and they lost a bunch of stuff. The baby clothing was up high, so fortunately that was not ruined. But they lost boxes of books from my childhood – like an entire set of classic Nancy Drew, which killed me!

    Posted 7.24.15
  12. Liz Joiner wrote:

    Sophie's been climbing out of the crib too! She only does it every once in a while, but far more frequently than I would like. When she does get it, sometimes she surprises herself by falling out (she misjudges how much distance is between the top of the crib to the floor), and if I see her do it, I'm just like you with "get down"

    How is Brody again? Sophie's close to 19 months, and I want her to stay in her crib till at least 2 years old. It keeps her from digging into everything longer.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

    Posted 7.23.15
  13. Nat wrote:

    I wish we lived closer so our boys could play!! I swear in this past month Miller has turned into such a little boy 🙁 I need to get a little potty but I'm so not ready for potty training. We're working on putting Miller back in the toddler bed because he's decided he wants to sleep there and not his crib. We're only doing naptime right now and it's been going ok. He just has a hard time staying put and not playing. Smoothies are my go-to, it's the only way I can get Miller to eat fruit!

    Posted 7.24.15

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