Back to School Style

What will back to school look like this year? Everyone seems to be sitting on the edge of their seat trying to see what their local counties will decide about the back to school plan.  It is such a stressful time for so many families and the hardest part is that even with the options that most have been given, it feels like all of them are scary!!  So far, our school has pushed the start day back by two weeks and they are offering an in-school option, a virtual option and then a home school option.  We have a couple weeks to decide which option we want to choose and I am honestly so torn.

But, regardless of which direction we choose, the kids will be starting 1st grade and Pre-Kindergarten one way or another!  So I am trying to focus on the positive and continuing to move forward with our normal back-to-school routines!  We love to shop for some new back to school clothes and shoes and it’s always been a tradition to set up a Back-to-School breakfast for the kids!

This year, we won’t be going into the stores to shop; but we’re happy to hop online to Walmart and shop for clothes and supplies from the comfort of our home.  We partnered with Walmart last year and I was so excited when I found their Uniform Shop.  This section of clothing for kids has the most affordable prices and it offered all the simple polos, shorts, and dresses that I love for my kids.  If you’ve been around here awhile, you know that I don’t love the graphic tee styles for my kids; but I am all about the $3 polos that we can customize and the easy dresses for Madelyn that are under $1o!  The shipping is free and express options available too!

Madelyn’s Dress | Shoes | Bow | Brody’s Polo | Shorts | Shoes

Madelyn is wearing a size 6 in this dress and we probably could have gone with the 5.  I put everything in the dryer, so I’m sure it will shrink for us.  Brody is wearing the simple white polos that I get monogrammed and they look awesome.  I love that the polos have absolutely nothing on them.  So you can leave them plain too!  The bow Madelyn is wearing is from our favorite affordable set.  I buy these throughout the year for my girls and they are the perfect 3″ grosgrain size that comes in lots of colors.  Also, I put Madelyn in these cartwheel/privacy shorts under her dresses for school so she’s not flashing her underwear to her classmates.

As we mentioned, this year may look a different than others; but you can also find some lightweight, cute masks for the kids.  They are washable and have several different color options.

For our Back to School breakfast, I love to just grab some cute banners or red pom poms to decorate their table special for the first morning (or morning before) school.  You can just pick up donuts the day before and put them on the plate with some milk and they think it’s extra cool!


This is a look at some of my favorite school lunch items to pick up to start the year!  We have several of these from last year and then added a few new items for this year.  I added a couple of fun items you can grab to make your own back to school breakfast too for your kiddos! You can click on any image to shop.




Favorite Styles for Girls

Favorite Styles for Boys

Favorite Back Packs and Lunch Boxes

Thank you to Walmart for partnering with my family on this post and to my readers for supporting my blog. All products, purchases and reviews are of my own.