Five on Friday

I haven’t done a five on Friday in awhile, so I thought I would share a few things happening from the week!

One. Brody’s 5th birthday

We celebrated Brody’s 5th birthday on Wednesday and had the best time.  I will do a whole post about it.  It ended up much more elaborate than I had planned, but it was worth all the work.  A week before his birthday, I had absolutely nothing planned and end up scrambling for something when we came across an inflatable Shark water slide that led to the whole party theme.

Two.  In Lieu of Gifts…

I always struggle around birthday’s with the gifts… Between us, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, our kids end up getting so many gifts for holidays directly from our family.  I love to do the “no gifts please” on invites; but as the kids get older, I know that can be harder to get away with.  I asked the guests for Brody’s party to bring a gift card for the families at our local hospital in the Pediatric Cancer Center. One of my friends is a nurse there and she said that many families travel to come here and that so many times they just need money for food close by.  So we asked the guests to bring gift cards and it made me so happy :).  It worked out that Brody still got gifts from some families, but many brought gift cards and I think he understood that he was giving to families in need.  It was a win-win!!

Three.  Demolition Day

Yesterday was demolition day!  I posted some photos and videos of it on instagram last night and I know I got lots of questions.  So the story is this…Almost 3 years ago, we bought this house knowing we would eventually build on it.  We have rented it out for the last 3 years and over the last year, we have been working on house plans.  Today, the tractors rolled in,  and the kids got to watch them demo the place down! It was really fun to watch.  We will start building sometime this year and I’ll be sure to keep ya’ll posted!

Four.  Potty Training

I can’t believe we started this journey with Madelyn a month ago!  I have a whole post planned for you to discuss what we did and how we got it done.  I will say that I didn’t use any specific book or special training methods.  I really just went with the whole stay-at-home for several days and put them on the potty a lot!  Day one she didn’t do anything on the potty; but on day two, she peed for the first time and that’s all it took! Poop took about two weeks, but I will go into all the details on separate post.  If you have any specific questions, leave them in the comments and I will address them in the post.  Madelyn was 2 years 9 months when we started potty training.

these bare bootie wedgie photos get me every time 🙂

Five. Rosemary Beach

I was hoping to have our vacation recap up on the blog for you guys already, but I’ve failed.  I get a lot of questions about Rosemary, so I was thinking about doing a detailed posts about FAQ’s and more of a travel guide then just a recap of our week.  So if you have any specific questions that you would like answered, leave them for me below and I will answer them in a post!

photo by Teston Photography

Have a great weekend, friends!!

Linking up with AprilChristina, and NatashaAmanda ,Farmer Bell , Momfessionals ,Bright on a Budget


  1. Lindsay wrote:

    Happiest birthday Brody! I love donating instead of gifts for a birthday, that is something we do and it really has helped our kids be thoughtful towards helping others. Cannot wait to follow along with your building process, so excited for you!!

    Posted 6.29.18
  2. How wonderful to give towards families in need – that’s a great idea!! You did a fantastic job with the birthday party, it looked awesome!! So excited to follow along on your new house journey, too!

    Posted 6.29.18
  3. Sarah Shaneyfelt wrote:

    We are going to Rosemary at the end of July, so I would love a list of great restaurants and shops in Rosemary!

    Posted 6.29.18
    • wrote:

      Yes! I’ll round up some good ones 😍

      Posted 6.29.18

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