How to Get Rid of Lice in One Easy Step

This post is sponsored by Lice Center of Americas but all opinions are completely my own. 

I was amazed how much feedback I received from my followers when I shared this new-to-me product on my Instastories account last week!  I think all of us have been affected one way or another by lice whether you had it as a kid or maybe now have kids of your own that are in school and vulnerable to lice.  They say 12 million children between the ages of three and 11 get head lice each year in the United States. Head lice is actually the second most common medical nuisance next to the common cold which is pretty wild.  

I know when I was a kid I had lice probably 5 different times!! It was seriously crazy, but I played on an all girls traveling soccer team and somehow we would spread it around to each other all the time.  I can remember sitting in my friends back yard as her Mom used a fine tooth comb and tried to go through every single strand of my hair.  She happened to run a in-home day care and was all too familiar with lice.   And even worse than that, I remember sleeping with mayonnaise in my hair all night long!!  I can’t even think about how gross that was.  But these were the options we had back then.

So when I was contacted this month about a product that is on the market that is a one-time cure for head lice, it seriously hit close to home with me.  Thankfully, my kids have not experienced this yet; but I know it is only a matter of time.  At the end of the school year last year, there was an outbreak in my sons class and I was so nervous.  Thankfully, we dodged that one; but I know it will come around again.

Enter the Lice Clinics of America One Cure Technology.  OneCure is an FDA-cleared heated-air device that utilizes proprietary Nit Clear technology. It is clinically proven to kill lice, super lice, and 99.2% of eggs in a single treatment that takes about one hour.  This heated-air device is pesticide-free, toxin-free and will kill lice & their eggs with just one treatment.  You can do it in the comfort of your own home in just 3 easy steps!  This product is safe for children 4 years and older. 

You also may be lucky enough to live in one of over 200 cities that have a Lice Clinic.  You can check by zip code here.  With more than 350 clinics in 36 countries worldwide, Lice Clinics of America is the largest network of lice treatment centers and has over 1,000 trained professionals dedicated to curing head lice “Once and For All.”

Head lice does not just affect a child – they disrupt the whole community by complicating life for classmates, friends, siblings, and parents. Head lice unsettle everyone who comes in contact with them, leaving people embarrassed, frustrated and desperate to get life back to normal with those they care about.  It can affect anyone regardless of personal hygiene habits, socioeconomic status or ethnicity, but it is now easily treated.

I am so happy to now have discovered a solution to have for my children.  This One Cure kit can be purchased here and comes with enough product to treat two cases of lice.  Once you own the whole kit, you will only need to purchase the refill kit from that point on for just $20.

Have you or your kids been affected by lice??   I hope for everyone that you never have to experience it, but I now feel a lot better to know there is a ONE TIME solution out there that takes just one hour to cure!