Molly Malone | 3 Years Old

My little Molly. It has been far too long since I have done an updated post for you!!  You just turned three and so much has changed since my last post I did for you at twelve months.  Time is flying and I want to try to document the best I can these days!



You were right about 32 pounds at your last appointment and just over 3ft tall.


 Size 9/10 shoes.  Clothes size 3.


You are a great little sleeper and really always have been.  You are my one child that really knows how to sleep in late if we will let you.  You pretty much gave up your naps at home at around 2.5 years old which was younger than any of the rest of my kids did, but you mainly just didn’t want to miss out on fun with your big brother and sister.  You have recently started back at school and you stay there now until 3pm and you take a nap from about 130 to 3pm which is pretty great.  You go to bed at night when the big kids do around 8 or 830pm and you sleep through the night really well. I always have to wake you up for school in the morning because you like to sleep in.

We transferred you from your toddler bed to your big girl bed in July just before you turned 3.  And I think we changed your crib to a toddler bed around 2.5 years old.  You are doing great in your big girl bed and love it!


 You are are a good eater.   You like eggs, turkey, ham, chicken, yogurt, cereal, waffles, grits, tomatoes, avocado, steak, corn, peas, meatballs, and lots more.  You can be picky when you want to be, but you mostly eat well.


730am Wake Up 745am Breakfast 830am MDO (moms day out) 245pm Home from MDO & Nap 3:30-4pm Play & Snack 6pm Dinner 730pm Bath 8pm Bedtime


You have thankfully stayed pretty healthy which has been so nice.


Playing with your big brother and sister.  You guys have really grown to play so well together and one of my favorite things to do is sneak around the corner and listen to some of the games you guys come up with together.

Baby Dolls- You are obsessed.  You love to wrap your dolls up in little blankets and pushing them in the stroller.  You love to carry them around and now you like sleeping with them.  You just got several new ones for your birthday.

You love being out on the boat.   You almost always fall asleep on our drives home.  You love swimming in the pool and playing with kinetic sand. 


Being told NO You get so sad and upset when we firmly tell you NO


You moved from your crib to toddler bed about 2.5 years old
You also moved from your toddler bed to big girl queen bed just before 3 years old
You love me to read the fishy book before bed every single night.
You learned to swim all on your own by the end of this summer.  You are like a little fish keeping up with the big kids!
Your vocabulary has grown so much over the last year and you talk like an adult these days. You have learned all your colors and your favorites are pink and purple.
You are POTTY TRAINED!  We started potty training at the end of Summer.  You learned in just a few short days and we never looked back! (except for that one time you pooped on the playground!)


Rosemary Beach