Naptime Confessions

+ Madelyn is now 5.5 months and seems to be at that stage where she needs to be entertained or held all.the.time.   Love her dearly, but Mama needs to get a few things done!
+ I kind of miss when she slept more during the day.  Or that brief period when she slept through the night…
+ Sleep has been a disaster the last two nights.  She already has two teeth and seems to be working on the next two.  She’s in pain and it’s so sad.  She’s too young to be getting all these teeth!
+ She stares down all of our food and definitely seems ready to start solids.  I’m waiting until after I get back from a trip this weekend before I start her on them though. Let’s hope that she’s not a picky eater like her brother!
+ I laughed a few days ago when Brody called Matt Dad and Matt corrected him to Daddy.  Then the next day Brody started calling me Mom and I hated the way it sounded too.  No, son.  It’s Mommy. #stopgrowinguptoofast
+ I’m leaving for Palm Springs tomorrow for my cousin’s wedding and I’m so darn excited. I’ve never been before and it looks amazing. 
+ The high is 90 out there for the week!! How awesome is that???
+ I’ve had such a tough time shopping for this trip for some reason.  Maybe I got started to late and I kind of thought I was going to make myself shop my own closet.  I’m not loving a lot of the Spring/Summer clothes out right now.  I found a few cute things at Revolve Clothing and had trouble finding any dresses I liked at Shopbop.  Shop bop is running their Spring Event right now though and you can get up to 25% off. 
+ Here’s a few of the items I was loving from Revolve: 

Revolve Clothing Spring Dresses by homeofmalones featuring a white dress

+ And here are a few cute things from Shopbop.  I just struggled with finding some cute, nicer dresses that would be perfect for going out to dinner at night.  I found more fun pool-side attire! 
I’m loving this adorable watermelon purse and it also comes in pineapple too.  So cute and inexpensive! 

This fabric looks pretty thin, but I think it would be fine as a swim cover-up.  Love the colored tassels. 

This cover up comes in several cute colors too. 

I own a pair of these in a different color and love the fit and they are only $58! 
Where are you finding cute spring clothes right now???
+ Don’t forget to link-up tomorrow for Thoughts for Thursday! I have something exciting planned for tomorrow’s post 🙂

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  1. I love all of your picks, especially the ones from Revolve. I hope you have the best time this weekend 🙂

    Posted 3.2.16
  2. Palm Springs is so fun! You're going to have the best time!! My kiddos were super early teethers and it's even harder when they're little so I really feel for you! Hopefully this is a stage and it's done quickly!

    Posted 3.3.16
  3. Nat wrote:

    I sort of agree with you on spring clothes, I feel like I'm finding better accessories and shoes than I am clothes. Matthew is so much clingier than Miller ever was, even at 15 months he needs to be held a lot. It's so hard to get anything done around here. So funny about Brody using Mom and Dad! When we were in Mexico and Kyle was walking away from us I called out his name to get his attention and then Miller started yelling Kyle. He then spent most of the vacation calling him Kyle instead of Daddy, Kyle kept correcting him but it was also hysterical to hear him be like Kyle can I have more juice.

    Posted 3.3.16
  4. Queen In Between wrote:

    Love those swim cover ups! I have not seen anything for spring yet that I just had to have.

    Posted 3.2.16
  5. Hanging with the Hirsts wrote:

    Aw the mommy/daddy thing is so sweet!! mom/dad does sound so grown up!! Have so much fun at the wedding!! It's been beautiful down here 🙂

    Posted 3.3.16
  6. Too funny about the "Mom" and "Dad" thing. I still call both my parents Mommy and Daddy, but say my mom or my dad when referring to them!

    Posted 3.3.16
  7. Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld wrote:

    My son was a super early teether and it was just so awful! When he started getting his first tooth I couldn't for the life of me figure out was wrong because I never imagined he would already be getting a tooth! I hope things get better for you soon!

    Posted 3.3.16

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