New Years Eve 2022

We spent another NYE at home this year and it was a ton of fun.  We had spent a couple of days prior to NYE in Fairhope with the kids and were really just planning to keep NYE low-key, but once we got home, we decided it would be fun to have another family over for dinner, football and festivities and I am so glad we did.  The kids are really getting to the age where they love ringing in the new year too and loved having their friends over to join them.

I couldn’t help but put together a fun tablescape for NYE. I keep these fun disco balls lying around the house for fun celebrations and recently received a couple of these new gorgeous plates which inspired my hot pink table scene.  I’ll link as many items as I can from the table below.

Plates | Napkins | Placemats | Pink Chargers (old PB) | Disco Balls

For dinner we made my Mom’s Seafood pasta.  Several of you asked for this recipe when I posted this photo and I will try to put one together for you.  I have more of an ingredients list with steps rather than exact proportions, but I will do my best.


For an appetizer, I made this baked gruyere in pastry from Half Baked Harvest which was delicious.  My Mom had also given me this baked oyster recipe below that made for a great appetizer.

After dinner, we watched football and the kids joined us.  The football was SO MUCH FUN that night. We were all into it! The kids stayed up all the way until the ball dropped at midnight.  They loved it.

Previous New Years Eves

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016