Scenes From Our Weekend

I was tempted to not even have a post today because honestly, it rained all weekend and I feel like we did a bunch of NOTHING!!  But here’s a quick recap of our rainy weekend at home!

Friday morning me and the kids got dressed and excited to go meet their teachers at school for this year.  They start on Wednesday, but we loved going up early to see their new classrooms and meeting their teachers.

I wore this old Lilly dress I could still barely squeeze into at 36 weeks.  I’m 37 weeks tomorrow and as nice as it feels to be so close, this last few weeks I can tell are going to be painful.  The acid reflux, uncomfortable belly because there is not much room left, and shortness of breath has just all caught up to me!

I dressed the kiddos for their big day and squeezed Madelyn into this little outfit that she has worn now for 3 years.  She wore it to her first day of 1 year old class, then to meet her teachers at age 2 and now 3.  Love seeing how long her hair is getting.  We’ve never cut it!

After meet the teachers, my MIL came to play with the kiddos and I got to go meet my girlfriends for lunch.  We started this last summer and about 5 girls all try to meet for lunch once a month.  We hadn’t done one since May because the summer just got so busy for everyone and child care is a little more erratic, but it was fun to get back into it!

Friday afternoon my Mom came over after being gone ALL SUMMER!!! We missed her and the kids were dying to see her.  So she surprised them and came knocking on the door! She stayed to play the afternoon and then ate some dinner with us that night!  We were so happy to have her home.

Saturday morning we woke up to rain.  We went out for breakfast and then decided to run a few errands.  We wanted to go try out a new mattress and look at some boats.

So we went to the Sleep Number store and did our best to mattress shop with 2 kids!  Matt and I have had bad luck with mattresses over the years and our currently on our 2nd one in 5 years and looking for a new one.  So this will be our 3rd in 5 years!  That’s ridiculous.  We actually looked at Sleep Number the last time around and for some reason decided against it.  But really, it seems to make the most sense for us.  He loves a really firm bed and I need comfort! I like it soft.  My sleep number seems to be about 35 and his is like 100 (most firm).  The exact mattress we think we might like was not on the floor right now, so we are going to wait about a month to test it out.

I asked my friends on Instagram if any of you had a sleep number and how you felt about it.  I had lots of really positive reviews from you guys.  In fact, there was only one negative review and she admitted hers was 7 years old now and it was time for a new one.   Mainly, I think the sleep number technology has changed a lot since then and she felt like hers was more like a glorified air mattress.  I obviously didn’t like hearing that but I knew what she meant.  I tried out one of the thinnest beds in the store and if you turn the comfort down to the very softest, you basically hit bottom and feel like you’re on an air mattress.  So I quickly knew that bed was not for us! I’ll keep you guys posted on what we decide!

I also posted this photo below on instastories this weekend to share that your suggestions of drinking a glass of milk before bed would help with my pregnancy acid reflux.  And guess what?? It really worked.  The acid reflux has gotten so bad in the last week or so, it makes me only want to eat cereal for dinner and nothing else.  But I was glad this helped!

Many of you asked about sources to all our bedroom items when I posted this photo.  Sadly, I bought the headboard and nightstands locally and don’t have a source for them.  I was able to find this headboard linked below that looked similar, but the fabric is velvet instead of cloth like mine is.  The linens on our bed are from Leontine Linens. If you are local, the furniture is from DUH.

similar headboard

Saturday night we had some friends over for dinner and I can’t believe I didn’t get one picture!  They were so sweet to bring over a delicious lasagna and we made a quick salad and enjoyed a nice evening outside.  Since we had some rain coming in, it actually cooled down outside a little bit.  The kids had fun playing and the adults enjoyed a nice visit!

Sunday was another rainy day.  We sat around the house that morning and were going stir crazy.  Finally we just decided to drive out to the beach and hope we might get a break in the rain.  We went to the Landshark restaurant at Margaritaville and had some lunch while the kids ran off some energy outside in the sand.  After lunch, we walked down to the beach for a just a bit because the kids wanted to get in the water; but it was still drizzling a little bit.

We loaded up the car to head home and squeeze in some nap time.  Brody doesn’t normally take a nap, but he fell asleep on the couch watching TV with Matt.  Madelyn and I both took a little snooze upstairs.

That evening, the kiddos were dying to have a sleepover at my Mom’s house.  So she picked them up around 5pm and me and Matt had no plans, but we knew we shouldn’t waste the evening! So we walked over to our favorite little bar for dinner and drinks and called it an early night!

The kids on a mattress together on the floor of my Mom’s room. They had a blast!


That’s a wrap.  It’s Monday around lunch as I finish writing this.  The kids don’t start school until Wednesday and have I mentioned that I can’t wait??