Scenes From Our Weekend

Hey friends! I’m recapping our weekend today and it was such a fun one! I’m not sure how it happened, but we had a babysitter everyday this weekend and ended up with quite the social schedule! I kind of felt like I was on vacation 🙂

Friday afternoon, Molly and I met my friend Courtney for lunch at Jackson’s.  It was a gorgeous day and I actually broke up my new sweater from Loft.  Check out the back of it, it’s so cute! Molly and I walked to the restaurant and she always loves being outdoors!

Friday night, we utilized my Fall table I shared yesterday and had friends over for dinner! I guess its the sign of a good night because I didn’t get a single photo!  We had a babysitter come to the house and watch the kids over in our man cave and we were able to enjoy a nice sit-down dinner with friends!  After dinner, we broke out the cards and played Spades until way too late!  Do any of you girls play spades??  It’s one of my our favorites and we have a hard time finding people that love to play as well as have the time to play anymore! It was a lot easier to play pre-kids 🙂

Saturday morning was gorgeous and we had quite the fan club at Brody’s soccer game.  He did awesome and is working so hard on the field this year.  It makes his soccer-loving Mama so proud!

I snuggled with this cutie after the game and she will just killing me with her smiles.  She was just smiling every time I would tell her too and I was loving it!

And then still dying over the Portrait mode on these iPhone 10 cameras.  Madelyn and I went and picked up lunch from the Yacht Club for the family on Saturday.

Saturday evening I had a girls night which was SOO much fun!  We went for drinks and then a fun dinner at The District and then more drinks upstairs at the District bar.  I broke out my favorite Spanx faux leather leggings for the night because we finally had some cooler weather.  A lot of you asked about the sizing…I’m in a large which is my normal size.  A lot of people say to order up one size, so it’s up to you.  I’m also wearing this cute ribbed, split-back top that is the perfect weight.  Mine is in grey from last year, but now they have it in a pretty pale pink and black.

On Sunday, we went to a super fun “Carving and Cocktails” party.  Every couple had a pumpkin to carve together and at the end they would be judged!  I let Matt be in charge of our pumpkin and I just put on the finishing touches!

Our fabulous hosts…

The party theme was plaid as you might be able to tell!  I wore this cute plaid dress which was perfect because the colors were Fall, but it was still so hot!

After the party, we grabbed an early dinner and back home to our kiddos we went! I was spent.  What a wonderful weekend of fun with friends and family.

Now it’s taken me until Tuesday to finally get myself together for the week :). Happy day, friends!