Scenes From Our Weekend

Happy Monday!  It feels like kind of a doozy today.   I feel like I’ve been trying to fight off a little cold for the last 5 days or so and I think I’m finally coming out of it.  We’ve had the weirdest weather here and I know that’s when everyone starts to get sick.  It’s cold one day and then the next it is hot and humid again!

Any way, I started the weekend on Thursday evening when I met some girlfriends for drinks and dinner before we headed to a Mardi Gras group cocktail party!  It turned out to be a lot of fun.  If you saw on Instagram, there was a debate as to whether my shirt was pink or lavender.  I said it was lavender because I have lots of pink in my closet, but maybe one or two pieces of lavender! Either way, it’s a pretty color and I like the top! It was just funny to laugh about.

Friday night we cooked dinner at home and had a quiet night.  Saturday was really pretty and we had Brody’s soccer game to go to.  We went out to breakfast, went to his soccer game and then went to lunch and this little cutie pie was such a trooper.  She just sleeps quietly in her car seat and never makes a peep!

We took some naps on Saturday after the game before Matt and I headed out the door to a friends house for dinner and football.

I wore this cute cape for the evening because it was somewhere in between cool and warm when the sun was out!

We grabbed a drink downtown at The District before heading to our friends house and it was so pretty to watch the sunset and sit outside.

On Sunday, we met my Mom for a little brunch and then went to visit Matt’s Dad for a bit.  Matt took the big kids over to our new lot to do some work and then me and Molly had some chill time!

We took a little nap…

and then went to my Mom’s house for an early dinner!


It was a fun weekend with family!  On Sunday, I also got together with some sweet Mama friends who love The Beaufort Bonnet Company as much as me and we are giving away $350 gift card to one lucky winner! Head to my Instagram page to enter! @HomeofMalones


  1. Regina wrote:

    I love your lavender top! Can you post details on it? Thanks!

    Posted 11.5.18

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