Scenes From Our Weekend | Coronation Ball

I did a terrible job taking pictures this weekend, but we did attend a really fun event in Pensacola on Friday night called the Coronation Ball that I wanted to share with you guys! It is a black tie event that wraps up a 10 day Heritage Festival in our city! We celebrate the history of Pensacola and the Five Flags that have flown over our city throughout its life.

I have been using the Rent the Runway unlimited membership since February (not sponsored!) because we have had quite a few formal events that we have attended this year. I am not one for buying my own formal dress because typically my taste is expensive! I would much rather rent something because chances are that I would only wear it once anyway!!

I chose this navy and gold dress for this event and at first I wasn’t 100% crazy about it on me, but I ended up really loving it! It is a little more low cut than I am normally comfortable with but I just embraced it.


The next morning I was feeling a little hungover and a friend and I decided to try the brand new Drip Parlor that is right next to my house.  They offer a menu of different IV options and it is suppose to help hydrate you after a big night out.  Of course, they offer a lot of options and many that have nothing to do with drinking too much!! The truth is, I don’t think it made me feel any better 😬 



Saturday evening we went over to my Brother and SIL’s house for an early night of hamburgers and visiting with some of our family in town! I can’t believe I didn’t get one picture!  


Sunday we spent the day having lunch and swimming at the Yacht Club!  It rained a decent bit, so we had to dodge a few rain showers; but we had a good time!



Hope everyone has a great week!! We are running around from Vacation Bible Study to swim lessons and trying to get ourselves organize to head out of town next week!!  


  1. Owen Davis wrote:

    That dress looks killer on you! I have always wanted to try RTR but I’m always scared the dress won’t fit then I will be stuck with nothing to wear!

    Posted 6.20.19

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